Saturday, April 24, 2010

Word Incarnate ~ Teach me to follow you

Something different today...
I promised myself I will only share my scripture views.
today, is different

See, I adopted a puppy six weeks ago from a rescue group.  
Naturally, I believe he adopted me. 

The story is common.... every other rescued pet owner will undoubted share!

Two days ago he had knee surgery....
his second in his 4month old life.  
Bless his heart...

We are on strict orders,


This is proving to be harder on me than on him...

His full leg will be in a cast for 6 weeks, 
a bandage for an additional 6 weeks.  
We will have 6 weeks of physical therapy.  

He eats bees he catches in the backyard despite several stings.  Kills me!  I can't figure out why he doesn't learn to leave 'em alone...I cannot tell you how many times he comes in the house with swollen lips.  I am so grateful he's not allergic to them.  What's become cute, though, is I feel he believes he is a bee.  He loves flowers.  He buries his face in them and licks...licks...licks.  Especially cactus flowers.  go figure...

Alright...what does this have to do with scripture?  What does any of this have to do with the title of this post, "Word Incarnate ~ Teach me to follow you"? I will tell you I relate differently with God because of my relationship with my dog...

I think about how hard God tries to communicate with me.  Like my dog does with me.

I think about how I try so hard to dump human attributes on God.  Like I do with my dog.

I wonder why it is so easy to accept others' belief that God can ever be jealous, angry, vengeful...

I wonder why it is so hard to allow the Word Incarnate to experience loneliness, sadness, confusion...

I wonder why it is so hard to allow Emmanuel the human struggle...the reality of seeking affirmation, the actuality that, "Wow, I am different."

Sometimes, I love praying while feeling God became Flesh...
God as Word Incarnate...
so God will know first hand what I pray about...
how I pray...
what it is like to be human...
why it is so hard to simply love...
to grasp why we hold that God could ever be jealous, angry, vengeful.

Pray with me...pray for me...

Let's expand on this together later .



Anonymous said...

Thomas Cahill, author of "How the Irish Saved Civilization", remarked that God's isn't a "Hallmark greeting card." Too often, however, that seems to be how we insist on seeing Him.

As you pointed out, we frequently want to anthropomorphize God. We seem to do that with many things, such as our pets! We forget they aren't human and can't reason as we do, no matter how much we fuss at them! But they keep going right back to eating bees, don't they?

Thanks for the post. I know what you mean about pets adopting you! We've had that experience several times too.


My Heart Beats and I sigh said...

Thanks, Evan...with an apostrophe, that statement takes on a whole new meaning, huh? thank 'even. hehehe

Now, i vote we view God like a 'hallmark card' for a day.

RAnn said...

Funny how they conquer you