Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the kid;
The calf and the young lion shall browse together,
with a little child to guide them.
The cow and the bear shall be neighbors,
together their young shall rest;
the lion shall eat hay like the ox.
The baby shall play by the cobra’s den,
and the child lay his hand on the adder’s lair.
~ Isaiah 11: 6-9
The beginning of a new Church Calendar Year. There are many reasons I love Mother Church. Advent is one.
Asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come,
Jesus said in reply,
“The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed,
and no one will announce,
‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’
Jesus said in reply,
“The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed,
and no one will announce,
‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’
For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.”
Luke 17: 20-21
Remember Saul’s conversion? It came out of nowhere! He is doing what he knows is best for the people, ‘STOP THIS Jesus is the Messiah NONSENSE! Stick to the Book of Law! Our traditions, our customs are tried and true. Our traditions, our customs are most pleasing to God.’
WARNING ~ tangent
Know what? Paul doesn’t talk about that day. Although he acknowledges something happened in his first letter to the Corinthians (chapter 15: 3) He doesn’t share his experience with us directly. I imagine he did with someone since the story shows up in the Acts of the Apostles ~ chapter 9.
Makes me question why I blog my relationship with God...Remember that prayer, Tower of Babel?
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for your selves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."
~ Matthew 11: 30
Emmanuel. Learn from Jesus and I will find rest.
Thus says the LORD:
How long will you be deprived of wisdom's food,
how long will you endure such bitter thirst?
I open my mouth and speak of her:
gain, at no cost, wisdom for yourselves.
Submit your neck to her yoke,
that your mind may accept her teaching.
For she is close to those who seek her,
and the one who is in earnest finds her.
See for yourselves!
I have labored only a little,
but have found much.
~ Sirach 51: 24-27
Why do I complicate it?
“MyYOKE is easy”...what exactly is the yoke?
Joshua ben Sira says it isn’t that complicated: submit to Wisdom working through me.
Jesus says it isn’t that complicated: “take My yoke and learn from me.”
Once again, what exactly is the yoke? Get Ready. Be Prepared.
And, what is Jesus’ law?
Remember when Jesus asked the Pharisee versed in the Law that beautiful prayer question just before defining His ‘yoke’?
Saul lived under a complicated yoke. The Law dominated his life, his life with God. He Loved God so much but, apparently, could only find God in the Law. With that said, listen to Paul's letters differently. I hear Paul complicating Jesus' easier yoke sometimes. Other times, he seems to be clearer...especially as he matured. What do you think?
I pray I will hear "Love God. Love one another" always. Even when picking wheat on the Sabbath is necessary. Even when I am faced with the dilemma, "is it easier to say, 'I forgive you' or 'get up and walk.'
It was my soteriology that created such a stir last week. Actually, sharing my salvation theology thoughts and feelings created the stir last week. Maybe I need to follow Paul’s example and casually, humbly allude to my relationship with God rather than shout it from the rooftops, if you will. The truth is...I want so desperately to find another who thinks and feels about our Triune God as I do…
I pray I will hear "Love God. Love one another" always. Even when picking wheat on the Sabbath is necessary. Even when I am faced with the dilemma, "is it easier to say, 'I forgive you' or 'get up and walk.'
It was my soteriology that created such a stir last week. Actually, sharing my salvation theology thoughts and feelings created the stir last week. Maybe I need to follow Paul’s example and casually, humbly allude to my relationship with God rather than shout it from the rooftops, if you will. The truth is...I want so desperately to find another who thinks and feels about our Triune God as I do…
With that said, I am going to stick my neck out there again! This is important to better understand my Examen prayer.
Examen is my Preparation…
Tomorrow? I am exhausted. Let’s rest. Feel our hearts beat...and...sigh...
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