Here we go…
I call The Canaanite Woman
Jesus’ spiritual director.
Jesus’ spiritual director.
Here’s why…
I bring back the topic from an earlier prayer, The Transfiguration bringing belief through a human mind, I feel this could be one of the loneliest times for the Man Jesus. It seems so long ago...maybe in archives labeled TRANSFIGURATION. Christology in my naiveté.
I bring back the topic from an earlier prayer, The Triumph of the Cross ~ in my heart. It seems so long ago...maybe in archives labeled TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS in the challenge,
To love God is to follow the commandments as outlined in the Tablets. God’s commandments are concrete and measurable. I can see clearly when someone ~ including me ~ breaks any of the Ten. The Ten are behavior based.
It is much more challenging to clearly define Love One Another, Turn the other cheek. The Greatest commandment Jesus outlines requires an attitude adjustment. arrogant is THAT? I am quoting myself.
I bring back the topic from an earlier prayer, Who do the Crowds Say I AM ~ in my heart, in my life, in my stillness…
I know I hide in the Garden’s Trees when I am afraid to face God. When I am afraid of facing other people I can simply stop answering the phone, if you will.
See, for me…
Sin ~ for lack of a better word ~ against society isn’t necessarily sin against God. However, when I live through God is Love...sin ~ for lack of a better word ~ against God IS always sin against other people.
A great example from Jesus’ life to help me explain where my prayer concretely takes me home with that thought.
Mark 2: 23
One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. The Pharisees said to him, "Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?"
Scripture is riddles with such examples of sin against society and sin against God. Share the ones with me that bring you home, if you will. Let’s talk about it. Let’s pray with it.
Now really begins the Canaanite Woman as Jesus’ spiritual director. Oh boy...this is the part of my retreat sharing when many of the others blasted me!
Am I THAT nervous writing this here or is it the coffee in my system?!?
Jesus was raised by people that truly loved God. Truly held God in the center of their hearts. I believe that. Jesus grew up hearing over and over how he was one of the Chosen People; that others were not so privileged.
The Canaanite Woman challenged his processing human mind ~ tradition, history, society’s cultural teaching ~ when she heard him calling her a dog. As far as she was concerned ~ and I am concerned ~ Jesus was implying that she and her kind weren’t worthy, if you will, for the children's’ bread.
S H E S A I D to the very human Jesus, “Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."
I cry…
I can see...can feel...Jesus stopping in his tracks. I can see...can feel...Jesus turning around to face her... walking toward her with his arms outstretched...hugging her... holding her tightly against him. I can hear...can feel...him whispering in her ear, “You are so right. I AM here for you. I love you. Thank you.”
Ah man...I cry…
I pray I will always hear another's prayer.
I pray (my soul) will leap in (my) womb, and be filled with the Holy Spirit always when I am greeted by another.
I pray I will always feel God's Love through another person.
I pray (my soul) will leap in (my) womb, and be filled with the Holy Spirit always when I am with another.
I pray I will always live God is Love.
I pray (others' souls) will leap in (their) wombs, and be filled with the Holy Spirit always when I greet them.
Let’s rest. Sit back. Feel our hearts beat. Breathe and sigh.
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